Regulator launches consultation on British Sign Language Plan

The Scottish Housing Regulator has today launched a consultation on its draft British Sign Language (BSL) Plan, as required by the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015.
The plan sets out how the Regulator will ensure that BSL users can easily engage with it, and how it will make information accessible.
Susan Campbell, head of planning and performance, said: “We want tenants, service users and others with an interest in our work to be able to find out about what we do and contact us if they need to. People who use BSL should be able to easily access information about how we regulate and about their landlord. They should also be able to find out how to take forward any concerns or queries they have about a landlord’s services.
“Housing and homelessness services play a vital role in people’s lives, and it’s important that all service users can access these services when they need them. So we will also look at how we can promote BSL to the organisations that we regulate.”
The Regulator’s consultation opens today and organisations and individuals are invited to give feedback by Friday 31 August 2018.
The BSL Plan is available to view on the Regulator’s website where a BSL video version is also available.