Regulator launches consultation on indicators for monitoring Scottish Social Housing Charter

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) is consulting on proposed changes to the Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) indicators.
The ARC indicators are the key way in which all social landlords report to the Regulator their performance in achieving the standards and outcomes in the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
The Regulator is proposing to introduce specific indicators on tenant and resident safety which include new indicators to monitor landlords’ effectiveness in responding to instances of damp and mould. It is also inviting views on the continuing appropriateness of existing ARC indicators and the removal of a small number of other indicators.
Michael Cameron, chief executive, said: “Our proposals reflect our discussions with various stakeholders, including the tenants we work with. It is important that the indicators we collect reflect what tenants consider to be important priorities for them.
“Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the discussions so far, including our discussions with tenants and other stakeholders who participated in the advisory groups we established to develop these proposals. The ARC Indicator proposals and technical guidance have been shaped by this feedback and we would now invite feedback on these proposals from tenants, landlords, representative bodies, and anyone with an interest in social housing by 8 November 2024.”
Following the consultation, the Regulator will finalise the revised ARC indicators by January 2025 with the new ARC being in place for collection year 2025/26. In the meantime, the existing ARC will be in place for collection year 2024/25.