Regulator opens recruitment to statutory manager selection list
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today opened recruitment to its list of statutory managers.

The Regulator will draw from the list if it needs to appoint a statutory manager to a social landlord.
The Regulator can take action to appoint a statutory manager where it identifies serious risks to tenants’ and service users interests.
Ian Brennan, director of regulation, said: “We’ve launched this open recruitment to refresh the list of statutory managers we will select from if we need to appoint a statutory manager. We will only do this if we need to, to protect the interests of tenants and service users.
“We ran our last open recruitment back in 2016. So, we want to refresh our list and give people a new opportunity to apply.
“We’re looking for people with a proven track record of successfully carrying out interim senior officer roles in regulated organisations with serious governance and/or financial management problems. And delivering improvements and lasting change.
“So, if you think you have the right skills and experience, please apply. There’s more information in our application pack. We will publish a revised list of successful applicants later this year.”
Applications are open until 12 noon on 26 August 2019. Application packs are available on the Regulator’s website
The full advertisement is available on Scottish Housing News here.