Regulator provides further update from RAAC survey

The Scottish Housing Regulator has shared further analysis of social landlords’ responses to its survey on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in social housing.
Last week, the Regulator’s survey identified that to date nine landlords have identified the presence of RAAC in some of the homes they provide to tenants, with 953 homes affected. Following further updates from landlords, 97 have now confirmed that there is no RAAC present in their tenants’ homes, and 59 continue to investigate whether RAAC is present in any of their homes. The number of homes currently under investigation is 27,318.
The nine landlords that have identified the presence of RAAC in some of their homes are:
- Aberdeen City Council
- Almond Housing Association Ltd
- Angus Council
- The City of Edinburgh Council
- Clackmannanshire Council
- North Lanarkshire Council
- South Lanarkshire Council
- Stirling Council
- West Lothian Council
Nicola Harcus, assistant director with the Regulator, said: “We will continue to update the information we have on the presence of RAAC in social housing as landlords complete their outstanding investigations. We will engage with those landlords who have RAAC in their homes to get appropriate assurance about their management of that RAAC. This will include a follow-up data collection with those landlords over the next few months.”
RAAC is a lightweight structural construction material used between the 1950s and 1990s in the floors, walls and roofs of some buildings in Scotland, including some residential properties. It is no longer used in buildings in Scotland. More information about RAAC and the risks associated with its use is available on the website of the Institution of Structural Engineers.
More information on the survey can be found on the Regulator’s website.