Regulator publishes factsheets on raising serious concerns about a landlord

The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published two updated factsheets for tenants and landlords about raising serious concerns about a landlord.
The Regulator’s updated factsheets follow the launch of its new Regulatory Framework this month which enhanced the clarity of what issues tenants can bring to the Regulator and when and how this fits with other routes for tenants to complain to their landlord and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.
In its new Regulatory Framework, the Regulator said it would update its factsheets to reflect the changes it has made and give some examples of the routes for tenants to raise concerns.
The Regulator’s factsheet for tenants explains how they can raise a serious concern about a landlord, what they can expect from their landlord, and when and how they can report a concern to the Regulator.
The Regulator’s factsheet for social landlords sets out what the Regulator will do if a tenant or tenant representative reports a serious concern.
Nicola Harcus, assistant director of regulation, said: “We’ve made these factsheets available to give tenants and landlords clear, easy-to-use information about reporting a serious concern and what we will do if a tenant or tenant representative reports a serious concern to us. We hope that tenants and landlords find the information in them helpful.”