Regulator reaffirms commitment to including tenants and service users in its work

Iain Muirhead
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published its new plan that sets out how tenants and service users will remain at the heart of its work.
The Regulator said its plan explains how it will ensure it understands tenants’ and service users’ priorities and views, involves them in its regulation, and communicates with them about its work.
It also builds on the Regulator’s existing activities, continuing to work with its National Panel of Tenants and Service Users. Established in 2013, the Panel now has more than 450 members who let the Regulator hear directly about their experiences and perspectives.
The Regulator will also continue to work with its Regional Network Liaison group, which is made up of members of the four Regional Tenants Networks. The group discusses relevant policy consultations as well as the work of both SHR and the Regional Networks.
The Regulator will also involve tenants directly in its regulation activities, helping it to stay focused on the issues that matter most to them. It will do this through its work with its Tenant Advisors.
Its pool of independent, volunteer tenant advisors will also be involved in activities such as reviewing information landlords produce for their tenants and feeding back on how the Regulator communicates.
The Regulator also has members on its board who are tenants of social landlords, helping to bring a tenant perspective.
Iain Muirhead, the Regulator’s director of digital and business support, said: “We regulate to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants and service users. So, it’s really important that we include them in our work and that we listen to and understand their views and experiences.
“I would like to thank all of the tenants and service users who have worked with us over the years and taken the time to tell us about their experiences and feed in their views and ideas.
“We look forward to continuing to work directly with tenants and service users and using their feedback to help inform and shape how we work.”