Regulator sets out information social landlords should submit in quarterly returns

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has written to all social landlords to advise them of the information it will ask them to submit in the quarterly returns on the impact of COVID-19.
The new quarterly returns replace the monthly returns which social landlords have been submitting since March last year. The returns cover a small set of key measures that focus on the main areas of impact on landlords’ operations.
The Regulator changed the frequency from monthly to quarterly from April following consultation with the Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) and other stakeholders.
The group decided there would be value in continuing to collect the same data, and additional information on lets and rental income.
The Regulator will use the information in the returns to publish quarterly dashboard reports to support the SHRG and the Scottish Government in the national response to the pandemic. The Regulator will collect the information until it is no longer required by the SHRG.
Social landlords should submit their first quarterly return by 20 July 2021. It will cover the period April to June 2021.
The letter to landlords and the previous monthly dashboard reports and data sets are available on the Regulator’s website.