Regulator shares fraud protection advice for landlords
The Scottish Housing Regulator has written to all social landlords to highlight incidents of fraud in registered social landlords (RSLs).

Ian Brennan
The letter, which highlights different types of fraud and the steps social landlords can take to help protect their organisation, comes after a small number of RSLs told the Regulator they have been the subject of fraud and/or attempted fraud.
“Fraud remains a problem for RSLs and as the operational environment changes, many traditional types of fraud still exist but others are becoming more sophisticated,” explains director of regulation, Ian Brennan.
An annex to the letter provides examples of some of the different types of fraud that have been notified to the Regulator.
Mr Brennan added: “Many RSLs have effective risk management arrangements, however given the targeting of the sector, it is appropriate for RSLs to review the adequacy of the procedures in place to minimise the risks of any attempts at fraud from being successful.
“Ensuring that there is senior-level focus on managing these risks, and devoting appropriate time and resource to doing so, will help to safeguard the interests of tenants and service users and maintain effective internal controls in this area.”
RSLs who uncover any activities that they believe to be fraudulent are urged to advise the Regulator through its notifiable events process.