Regulator updates asset management recommended practice

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published updated recommended practice to support social landlords to review, develop and improve their approach to integrated asset management.
The recommended practice is intended primarily for decision makers in RSLs and local authority housing services. However, integrated asset management is most successful when a ‘whole organisation’ approach is applied as RSL governing bodies and local authority committees can then be assured that they have a robust process for managing their assets and get the information they need to make decisions and set the strategic direction for investment strategies.
Arneil Johnston was commissioned to illustrate how the principles which form the basis of the advisory guidance can be put into practice.
Helen Shaw, director of regulation, said: “Ensuring their assets – tenants’ homes – are in good condition, sustainable and meet the needs of tenants is a key priority for social landlords. Doing so can also help landlords to protect the interests of current and future tenants.
“We know that landlords are carefully considering the impact of various challenges including the cost crisis and the requirements arising from energy efficiency and net zero targets on their investment plans and their asset management strategy. We hope that the principles in this recommended practice, and Arneil Johnston’s illustration of how the principles can be put into practice, can help support social landlords to balance investment in their homes while keeping tenants’ rents affordable.”