Regulator updates Covid advice for governing body members

The Scottish Housing Regulator has updated its advice to support governing bodies during the pandemic to reflect the lifting of restrictions on public gatherings and the arrangements for AGMs and SGMs.
The advice comes after relevant issues have been raised with the Regulator by RSLs and will be updated to take account of any changes.
This guidance covers:
- What an RSL should do if its governing body is unable to meet or achieve a quorum;
- What an RSL should do if the membership of its governing body falls below the required number;
- What an RSL should do if it is unable to update its constitution at its next AGM;
- AGMs and SGMs;
- Approval of an RSL’s accounts;
- Completing and filing accounts on time; and
- What a landlord should do if it can’t carry out its tenant satisfaction survey.
Read the updated guidance for governing body members during COVID-19 here.