Regulator updates guide for tenants and service users

The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published an updated guide designed to help tenants and service users find out more about what it does and how it works.
‘How We Regulate: A guide for tenants and service users’ also explains how tenants can find out about their landlord, what they can expect from it, and how they can raise a serious concern about a landlord.
The Regulator has also developed two short videos to support the guide which includes information about the Regulator and its work and how to raise a concern about a social landlord. It has also developed a British Sign Language (BSL) version of its updated guide and its factsheet for tenants on raising a serious concern about a landlord.
The updates follow the launch of the Regulator’s new Regulatory Framework in April. The new Framework makes it clearer what issues tenants can bring to the Regulator and when, and how this fits with other routes for tenants to complain to their landlord and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.
Nicola Harcus, assistant director of regulation, said: “We’ve written this guide to help tenants, people who are homeless, and other service users find out more about who we are and what we do to safeguard and promote their interests.
“I hope tenants and service users find the new guide and videos and our factsheets on how to raise a serious concern helpful. I would encourage landlords to promote the guide, factsheets and our videos to people who use their services.”