Regulator’s National Panel highlights worsening financial difficulties facing tenants

The significant and worsening financial difficulties being experienced by tenants have been highlighted in new research from the Scottish Housing Regulator following feedback from its National Panel of Tenants and Service Users.
A quarter of members that responded said they are not managing well financially, and around three quarters feel that their financial circumstances are worse now than 12 months ago. Panel members identified increased food and energy costs as the biggest contributors to financial difficulties, with more than seven in ten saying these have had a significant impact.
More than half of respondents were having difficulty heating their homes at the time of the survey in the early months of 2023, compared with just under a third at the same point in 2022. Nine in ten respondents cited energy costs as the main factor contributing to difficulties in heating their home. The vast majority of respondents are concerned about their future financial circumstances.
The research also focused on rent levels and annual increases. Two in five respondents reported experiencing difficulties in affording their rent in the last year, up on the level for the previous year. Feedback linked these difficulties to heating costs, rent levels and other living costs.
Most respondents had received information from their landlord in the last year about annual rent increases, with the majority saying their landlord provided different rent increase options, information on what options might mean for services, and asked for their views on proposed increases.
More broadly, the report also explored Panel members’ views on their landlords’ decision making, opportunities for involvement and information to tenants. A further strand of the report was a series of in-depth discussions with people with experience of using homelessness services.
Speaking at last week’s TPAS Annual Conference, Helen Shaw, the Regulator’s director of regulation, said: “Our work with the National Panel is an important way for us to better understand the priorities, concerns and thoughts of tenants and service users of social landlords in Scotland. This year’s report once again highlights that tenants are facing significant cost of living challenges, and that pressures on household finances have heightened. We hope the research is helpful to everyone with an interest in social housing.”
The research was carried out for the Regulator by Engage Scotland.
The Panel is open to anyone who is a social housing tenant or uses social landlords’ services. Membership is diverse and includes people from urban and rural areas, across age bands, local authority and RSL tenants. Anyone interested in joining the Panel should contact Engage Scotland at