Reidvale Housing Association outlines future plans

Reidvale Housing Association has unveiled its first plans to remain independent and deliver improved properties for hundreds of tenants over the next three decades.
Last year the Glasgow landlord was involved in a proposed transfer to a larger organisation.
However, following a campaign by opponents, the switch was voted down in January this year. Since then a number of new members of the Management Committee and management team have joined and have been preparing plans for RHA’s future.
An Interim Business and Operational Plan was launched on 20th September 2024 paving the way for a longer-term plan to be unveiled early next year.
Denise Dempsey, chair of the Management Committee, said: “Our aim is to provide the affordable, quality homes our tenants demand and deserve. Over the next few months that means gathering all the information we need to ensure we can deliver that while also continuing to improve our governance so that we can meet our regulatory requirements.
“We intend to have our detailed plan in place by March next year, outlining how tenants can expect improvements in their homes, in their community and in their involvement in the decision-making of Reidvale Housing Association.”
The collection and analysis of data is at the heart of the initial phase with surveys of properties, reviews of upgrades and maintenance plans, improvements to tenant engagement and upgrades to the IT system to bring it into line with industry standards.
Among the areas being reviewed are developing a rents strategy which balances affordability with the demands of providing quality homes; surveying the costs of major stonework repairs and ensuring tenant safety is not compromised; and the planned delivery of improvements and training to ensure both governance compliance and effectiveness.
“The Interim Plan lays out the path to unveiling a longer-term strategy, including 30-year plans for investment in our homes which are realistic, cost-effective, affordable and deliverable,” added Denise. “By gathering the relevant information in the coming months we will be able to make informed and costed decisions which will positively impact our community for decades to come.
“It also provides a framework for meeting the compliance requirements of the Scottish Housing Regulator.
“Our tenants have lived with uncertainty over the direction of the association for a number of years. By next March we are confident they will have a proper view of the future at Reidvale and will have confidence that they can look forward to living in the homes and communities they are right to expect.”