Report outlines North Lanarkshire Council’s positive housing performance

North Lanarkshire Council’s housing service is performing above the Scottish average in key areas including; offering value for money, rents, maintaining its homes and improving neighbourhoods, a new report has shown.
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) report compares the performance of all social landlords in Scotland against a set of standards which social landlords should be achieving for its tenants and residents.
Information from North Lanarkshire Council - Scotland’s largest local authority landlord, with responsibility for a housing stock of over 36,000 homes - was collated by the SHR on: average weekly rents; tenant satisfaction; quality and maintenance of housing; neighbourhoods and value for money.
The report shows:
“It’s always pleasing to note the excellent progress being made in delivering our housing service,” said Councillor Allan Graham, convener of enterprise and housing, “and reports like this one from the SHR allow us to see how our performance rates with other local authority landlords.
“We’re delivering on our tenants priorities; for example, we’re keeping rent levels low, resolving antisocial behaviour and increasing satisfaction levels in our repairs service. And, I’m confident, that further investment in new build council homes and in our repairs service, together with ongoing tenant participation opportunities, we’ll continue to improve our housing service.
“We’re never complacent and recognise that there are areas where we can make improvements. We’ll continue to work closely with our tenants to do this and develop our services.”