River Clyde Homes takes a stand against domestic abuse
River Clyde Homes has signed up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s ‘Make a Stand’ pledge to support people in the Inverclyde community who experience domestic abuse.

The campaign centres on a pledge which has been developed by the CIH in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) to encourage housing organisations to commit to supporting people affected by domestic abuse.
River Clyde Homes now joins more than 300 housing organisations who have signed up to the campaign.
Elaine Cannon, service improvement manger, central team, said: “As a large housing association, and a major employer, we are in a unique position to be able to identify the signs of abuse. By signing up to the pledge we are recognising the critical need to develop policies that will help support not only those who live in our homes, but also our employees.
“We will also have committed ‘champions’ throughout the organisation who will be trained and be able to provide confidential guidance to any staff who may themselves be affected by domestic abuse.”
Working in partnership with Inverclyde Women’s Aid, who can provide practical and emotional support to women who experience domestic abuse, River Clyde Homes will publicise on their website and in communal areas, information on local and national domestic abuse support services, for both customers and staff.
Marilyn Beveridge, the vice-chair of the River Clyde Homes board, said: “I am extremely proud that River Clyde Homes has committed to this pledge. Millions of people experience domestic abuse every year, with more than two women killed by their partner, or ex-partner, every week in the UK. As a housing association we recognise the important role we can play in supporting those who experience domestic abuse and by providing practical support through embedding a policy to support residents, demonstrates our commitment to improving lives and places.”