River Clyde Homes to provide support services at Cloch sheltered complex
A new partnership in Inverclyde will see housing support services for tenants at Cloch Housing Association’s Elliott Court sheltered complex provided by River Clyde Homes.

The new agreement means Cloch tenants will continue to have their housing support service for the next two years.
The arrangement will also see the Warden transferred from the previous provider; ensuring a seamless service transition.
Built in 1983 and containing 23 sheltered homes, the Greenock complex is a popular location in the town’s East End, providing much needed supported accommodation.
Jillian Moffat, chair of the River Clyde Homes board, said: “We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Cloch for the continuation of this invaluable service. River Clyde Homes is the largest sheltered housing provider in the area, managing eight complexes, and has an excellent track record. Our last Care Inspection was our best ever, building on years of continuous service improvement.”
The Inspector’s report in 2017 stated: “The tenants we spoke to expressed high levels of satisfaction with the service and told us about the positive benefits they had experienced since coming to live in one of the River Clyde Homes’ sheltered housing complexes.”
Andy Thomson, housing services manager at Cloch, said: “It is really pleasing that the Inverclyde HSCP, who manage supported housing contracts in Inverclyde, were able to find a local partner who provides a well proven high quality service. The partnership has made the transition easier for the residents and keeping the warden is a big bonus for them. We look forward to the next few years working in partnership with River Clyde Homes.”
Residents met with River Clyde Homes and Cloch staff for the handover of the services over a morning cuppa.
Mrs Jessie Murdoch lives at Elliot Court and said: “We are delighted that the service has continued and that we’ve been able to keep our warden. She really is someone who we can confide in, respects confidentiality and is always willing to help. We’re glad that we have Cloch and RCH working together for the benefit of all residents.”