River Clyde Homes welcomes transformation of Greenock retirement living block

River Clyde Homes has announced the continued transformation of Broomhill Court, a tower block in Greenock, since its designation as retirement living accommodation.
A social area, known as Suite 16, has become the focal point for the new community that is developing and the latest addition to the busy events calendar is a Wednesday lunch club.
The club gives residents an opportunity to get to know each other over a light meal and a cup of tea or coffee.
Jim and Maureen have lived in Broomhill Court for 29 years. Jim said: “It was an odd thing, but in recent years, we hardly knew anyone in the block. You might say hello to people in the lift, but there was no real sense of neighbourliness. That’s all changed now and Suite 16 has really helped, providing a place for us to meet and socialise. I really enjoy the bingo sessions.”
Liz moved into the block in January and loves her new home. She said: “Suite 16 has really helped residents to get together, meaning that people don’t feel so isolated and they have a chance to get to know the neighbours in a relaxed atmosphere.”
Another resident, Pat, said: “We are looking at the idea of organising an event on a Sunday whereby some of us will prepare meals in Suite 16 for those who are less able. The weekends can be particularly lonely for some and anything we can do to be good neighbours can only be a good thing, I think.”
River Clyde Homes said the introduction of retirement living has “proven to be a great success”.
When retirement living was launched in September 2017, 70% of the 87 flats in the block were empty, whereas today there is an 87% occupancy rate with the final properties due for release soon.
Elaine Cannon, service improvement manager (central) at River Clyde Homes, said: “Retirement living is meeting a need in Inverclyde. The new residents come from a variety of tenures: some are longstanding River Clyde Homes’ tenants, others were previously homeowners, while a couple of people have moved to Greenock to be closer to family.
“The demand for these homes has been high but there are still some flats available.”