RTPI and Scottish Government launch Digital Skills Portal for planners

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Scottish Government have launched a ‘one-stop’ portal designed to improve the confidence of digital skills among all planners in their everyday roles.
The Digital Skills Portal is part of the Scottish Government’s digital planning programme and is designed to help both new and existing planners access information, advice, guidance, and case studies.
The portal includes a handbook of information about the types of digital approaches that can be used in different parts of the planning system. Additionally, the diagnostic toolkit allows users to assess their own skillset and identify areas for further development.
The portal aims to give planners the confidence to embed digital approaches into their work, and increase understanding, knowledge, and skills to better use digital planning across the planning profession.
Funds have been allocated to RTPI Scotland through the digital skills development programme to ensure the Institute can consistently maintain and update the portal, as well as run a series of linked events, for the next two years. The first webinar is planned for late spring, and a face-to-face event will be held in the Autumn.
Planning minister Joe FitzPatrick said: “I’m delighted to launch the Digital Skills Portal which is part of our ongoing work to ensure Scotland’s planning service is fit for the future. We’ve listened to planners and this Portal has been designed to provide a variety of opportunities in response to their direct feedback on how they would like to learn and develop their careers.
“Helping planners improve their skills and understanding of technology will result in a better and more efficient service for the people and businesses who rely on Scotland’s planning system.”
Dr Caroline Brown, director of RTPI Scotland, said: “I’m really pleased that we are now able to launch the portal as an important resource for planners on digital planning tools and techniques.
“It’s an important output from the Scottish Government’s Digital Planning Programme which will help give planners the confidence and skills to use digital planning approaches effectively and efficiently, improving the quality of their work and ultimately benefiting communities across Scotland.”