Rural Housing Scotland: Cohousing as a solution to housing need in rural communities

Cohousing is an under-explored tool in tackling the rural housing crisis, and one which more communities should be encouraged to investigate, according to Derek Logie of Rural Housing Scotland (RHS).
With this in mind, RHS has invited Chris Coates, founder member of Lancaster Cohousing and board member of UK Cohousing Network, to talk through the practicalities of developing cohousing projects in a free webinar on July 29.
The session will explore a range of topics, from finding folk to work with and dividing the workload involved in setting your project, through to daily life in cohousing and managing the changing needs of cohousers.
Derek Logie said: “Scotland has a long history of community-centred living, from the tenement close to crofting communities. Cohousing, with its focus on sharing resources, feels like a natural progression of this and, in many cases, could build on the already strong intergenerational links in rural communities, proving to be an effective tool in tackling Scotland’s rural crisis.”
The webinar comes ahead of the publication, this autumn, of the Cohousing Guide by the UK Cohousing Network – the most comprehensive guide yet on setting up and managing cohousing.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with questions submitted by audience members.
This session is free and open to all with an interest in this area, though booking is required.
More information can be found here.