Saltire Society launches 2018 housing design awards
Nominations are now open for the 2018 Saltire Society Housing Design Awards which will be guest chaired by BBC researcher and reporter Allan Little.
The Saltire Society Housing Design Awards have been rewarding and advocating innovation and excellence in Scottish house building and place making for longer than any other design awards in Scotland. They are a highly regarded, long-standing example of the Society’s commitments, aims and objectives.
The Awards are open to entries from owners, clients, architects, housebuilders and housing developers of all shapes and sizes across Scotland.
The Scottish Government continues to support the Awards and sponsors the Innovation in Housing award which sees a cash prize of £1,500 given to the winning project. This Award celebrates the pioneering spirit. It is intended to complement the Scottish Government’s vision for its housing policy; to encourage innovative and original projects and ideas which will promote debate and implementation.
Submissions must be received by noon on March 1 with the awards ceremony due to take place in Edinburgh in June.
David Jamieson, convenor of the Saltire Society Housing Design Awards, said: “On behalf of the Saltire Society and the Housing Award Panel, I am delighted to launch this year’s Call for Entries for our Housing Awards and Innovation Award. We are pleased to be working with the support of the Scottish Government to ensure good housing is being celebrated and encouraged in Scotland.
“We are particularly pleased to welcome Allan Little as Guest Chair and know his involvement will bring a new perspective to the Awards.
“I would encourage clients, academics, tenants’ groups, architects and housing developers to submit any recently completed projects which identify original thinking and imagination in housing design and development in Scotland.”
Entry forms can be downloaded here.