Sanctuary in merger talks to create UK’s largest housing association

Two housing associations have revealed they are in discussions over plans that could create the UK’s largest residential landlord.
Sanctuary Group, which manages 100,000-home across the UK, announced to the stock market yesterday that its board has agreed to enter into due diligence and dialogue over a potential merger with the 30,000-home Southern Housing Group.
The statement said a full proposal for merging the businesses will be published in the summer.
Worcester-based Sanctuary has 13,500 staff and reported a turnover of £763 million in the year to March 2020 from the management of 103,000 homes, including through its Scottish arm Sanctuary Scotland, producing a surplus of £57.4m.
G15 landlord Southern Housing Group is based in London and employs 1,000 people, producing a surplus of £23m from turnover of £237m.
Were the two organisations to combine it would produce a landlord managing more than 130,000 homes, which would be bigger than Clarion, currently the largest registered provider, with around 125,000 homes.
In a statement Sanctuary said the firms’ early discussions “could lead to Sanctuary and Southern creating a new housing model, with a strong national infrastructure and a dedicated regional focus, to ensure high-quality, local services to residents”.
Sanctuary’s statement added that “a further announcement will be made when appropriate”.