Santa drops in on ACHA’s new build opening in Oban
Santa took time out from his busy schedule to drop in on Argyll Community Housing Association’s (ACHA) latest new build opening in Oban.
He joined the Reverend Dugald Cameron and the children from Park Primary School in the town who were on a housing field trip. Once Santa had distributed the goodies from his bag the Reverend Cameron officially opened the development.
The new homes are the latest phase in ACHA’s 107 home project in Glenshellach, with a total value of £15.6 million, which has seen 57 new homes completed to date with the remaining being built over the next two years.
The homes handed over this week comprise of 8 one bedroomed properties, 5 three bedroomed and 4 four bedroomed houses. The financial breakdown in this phase saw just over £1m in grant from the Scottish Government, £1m from ACHA and £425,000 from Argyll and Bute Council.
The Reverend Dugald Cameron said: “Quality and safe houses where people can make homes are not only good for the occupiers but for all of us. When so many are left behind in today’s world the provision of these new houses is a visible, practical and long lasting sign that we value each other’s happiness and security. Bless these houses and from them may men, women and children thrive.”
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, added: “We are delighted that Dugald Cameron has been able to open these new homes today in time for Christmas. As a community Minister with a track record of outreach work it is fitting that he is with us to celebrate this achievement in meeting need today. Housing is important all year round but never more so than at Christmas.”
The Reverend Cameron handed the keys over to the new tenants and unveiled a commemorative plaque.
The development was built by MacLeod Construction of Lochgilphead and during the construction phase 70 tradesmen were employed on the site.
Kenny MacLeod of MacLeod Construction said: “This contract to build housing for Argyll Community Housing Association has gone well and helped to secure valuable jobs within Oban and Argyll. ACHA demand a high quality product that we have been more than happy to continue to meet, each house will provide a warm and welcome home for any tenant.
“These will go a long way to help support the shortage of homes for local people and will complement the existing community.”