SBHA and SBTO score double win at TPAS Scotland Awards

SBHA's COO Maria Lyle (centre), with SBTO members Margaret Graham (treasurer) and Dominic Brookes (joint vice-chair), at the awards ceremony at the Golden Jubilee Hotel
Scottish Borders Housing Association (SBHA) and Scottish Borders Tenants Organisation (SBTO) have triumphed at this year’s TPAS Scotland Good Practice Awards, winning best practice in ‘Communicating with Tenants and Residents’ award and runner-up in best practice in ‘Involving Tenants in Shaping and Scrutinising Services’.
The Annual TPAS Scotland Awards celebrate the achievements of tenants, community members, landlords, contractors and other organisations in improving communities and services.
Maria Lyle, SBHA chief operating officer, said: “We’re delighted to receive this recognition from TPAS Scotland and thank them for a fantastic conference again this year.
“This achievement underscores our commitment to effective communication and Tenant engagement – keeping Tenants at the heart of everything we do.
“We could not have accomplished this without the invaluable contribution of SBTO, which ensures that Tenants’ voices are heard at every level and their views are acted upon to improve services. Thank you to all Tenants who take the time to get involved.”