School shinty club re-established thanks to Link in the Community funding

St Columba’s Primary School Shinty Club.
Children at an Oban primary school are playing shinty again thanks to an award from Link Group’s Link in the Community Fund.
St Columba’s Primary School was given £500 from the fund, which they have used to re-establish a shinty team. The money was provided by Link Group in conjunction with Plumbase and Graham, one of its community partners, from a fund created to provide benefits to local communities.
The school’s headteacher, Michaelina Maclellan, said: “We wish to extend a huge thank you for your very generous donation to help get St Columba’s Primary Shinty Club up and running again! In order for all 55 children who signed up to train on Wednesday night to keep in line with the Camanachd Association rules on the requirement of children to wear helmets, your money has allowed us to keep the club open to P1 to P7 children.
“The children come from a whole range of backgrounds, and they are so excited to have the opportunity to play shinty with our valued parental volunteers. We have a number of Ukrainian pupils with us as well and currently have ten giving Shinty a go for the first time in their lives. A success so far, I have been told! Thank you again!”
Sarah Smith, Link Group communities director, added: “Sport is a great way to bring people of all ages together to have fun and improve wellbeing. Link is passionate about supporting communities in a wide range of ways, and providing some assistance to ensure that young people in Oban have the opportunity to take up shinty is just one of those ways. We’re delighted to have been able to help St Columba’s Primary School to run their shinty club.”
Brett Sadler, West Highland Housing Association chief executive, who put forward the school for the award, commented: “We are very much a community organisation, so it is absolutely fantastic to see this money being spent on supporting such a worthwhile cause. It is great to see children from Oban and beyond embracing an activity that is synonymous with the West Highlands.
“I would encourage any community group, individual, or school to contact our Community Wellbeing team to check if they are eligible to apply for this funding as it makes such a difference to local communities.”