Scotland Excel forms Net Zero Strategy delivery team

Scotland Excel has formed a ‘Net Zero Strategy delivery team’ with representation from across the organisation to lead on implementing its first ever Net Zero strategy.
The five-year strategy was launched earlier this year and will make sure contract arrangements available via Scotland Excel support our members to meet their own individual targets, outcomes and statutory responsibilities.
The strategy covers Scotland Excels entire portfolio of 70+ frameworks, including its construction category containing the award-winning new build and energy efficiency contractors frameworks and the recently launched property maintenance and refurbishment building consultancy offerings.
It sets out the role of Scotland Excel, outlines progress the organisation will make in the short, medium, and longer term, and details the activities that will be completed to meet its objectives.
Some of the objectives the strategy delivery team will focussing on, include:
• Measure, record and report our own carbon footprint impact linked to business activities, with an aim to reducing this.
• Deliver targeted and regularly refreshed training internally and externally.
• Update Scotland Excel’s Sustainable Procurement Policy, reflecting embedded practices.
• Review internal governance and ensure a formalised process that facilitates due focus on net zero considerations within tendering activity.
• Ensure tenders maximise positive carbon reduction impacts, while making sure the goods and services supplied support individual councils’ pursuit of achieving net zero.
• Develop and introduce standardised contract and supplier management actions that support carbon reduction and innovation.
• Continue to work with user intelligence groups in identifying, encouraging and developing additional collaborative opportunities.
• Implement standardised and bespoke minimum net zero related tender requirements across the contract portfolio, linked to recent changes to SPD documents.
• Maintain ongoing and active participation in cross sector groups with awareness and influence of policy and the associated impacts it may have.
• Continue ongoing engagement with corporate procurement managers and other appropriate procurement colleagues within individual councils.
• Progress existing and develop new relationships with suitable stakeholders from the public and private sector.
• Spotlight good practice examples from within the supply base and focus on/include net zero considerations within appropriate events.
Julie Welsh, chief executive of Scotland Excel, said: “Scotland Excel has already contributed significantly to the sector’s net zero agenda, with the introduction of several frameworks aligned with our members ambitions, including arrangements for the installation of electric vehicle charging points and energy efficiency related works.
“We fully support our members net zero ambitions and will ensure our portfolio assists them in meeting the regulatory requirements. We will lead by example by exploring how we can reduce our own carbon footprint. And we are proud to remain the Scottish local government sector’s procurement partner of choice.”
A copy of the Scotland Excel Net Zero Strategy 2023-28 can be found here.