Scottish Border Council’s residential care home receives positive inspection report

A recent Care Inspectorate report on Waverley residential care home in Galashiels, operated by Scottish Borders Council, has highlighted several important strengths which Inspectors acknowledge are having a significant positive impact on the experiences and outcomes of residents.
A full unannounced inspection was carried out at the home from 18-19 October 2022, carried out by two inspectors from the Care Inspectorate.
Overall, their report highlights a number of areas of good practice and presents a positive perspective of the service provided at Waverley, reflecting a good quality of service delivery. This included particular mention for the way in which the health and wellbeing of residents was benefitting from the care and support they received.
Inspectors also found staff to be respectful, warm and kind as well as demonstrating fun and humour. There was also evidence of the way in which they were enabling people to feel included and accepted. One relative commented that “carers are doing a fantastic job”.
As well as the positives, Inspectors identified six areas of improvement which are now being addressed through an action plan. Areas being looked at include improving aspects of medicines management, providing meaningful activity, development of a staff competency assessment tool, reviewing staff training, reviewing staffing arrangements in respect of tasks being undertaken by care staff and ensuring support plans are reviewed to reflect person-centred outcomes.
Adult Social Care senior managers are now working with the care home manager and the senior team to ensure all areas for improvement are met. As there are no requirements associated with this inspection, the Inspectorate have no plans to return to the service before the inspection due to take place in 2023.
Councillor David Parker, the executive member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “The positive feedback contained in this report clearly illustrates the dedication and commitment of the staff team at Waverley, which is greatly appreciated by all residents and their family carers. Our social care staff continue to face a range of challenges and it is encouraging to see their ongoing commitment and hard work recognised by Inspectors.
“A robust action plan is already being implemented to address the areas for improvement and I have every confidence that that this will result in residents receiving an even higher standard of care.”