Scottish Government announces £50m funding for social care
An initial £50 million to help the social care sector deal with the financial implications of coronavirus has been confirmed by the Scottish Government.

Jeane Freeman, health secretary
The funding will help address the immediate challenges faced in the social care sector and support the ongoing provision of social care.
Health and Social Care Partnerships across Scotland have all put in place mobilisation plans to ensure the health and social care system is as well placed as possible to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health secretary Jeane Freeman, said: “We know the social care sector is at the frontline of the current pandemic and the Scottish Government has been undertaking a detailed review of additional costs incurred by the sector.
“This funding is part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to support resilience in social care provision and ensure that any increasing need for social care as a result of the pandemic is met.
“I hope this will reassure the social care sector that additional costs related to COVID-19 will be provided and we will continue to work closely with COSLA and NHS Boards to ensure they have the resources needed throughout this pandemic.”
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.