Scottish Government-funded Information and Analysis service continues to deliver for registered social landlords

As a registered social landlord you will know that to plan a retrofit programme you need to do a number of things.
- Assess your housing stock to identify the suitability of households for specific energy efficiency measures.
- Check how eligible your housing stock is for the many funding schemes available.
- Understand the varying cost benefits of different energy efficiency measures.
What you may not be aware of is that you can access free energy efficiency analysis and modelling tools to help you achieve your retrofit targets. Home Analytics and the Portfolio Energy Analysis Tool – both delivered by Energy Saving Trust via Home Energy Scotland – are funded by the Scottish Government and free for local authorities and housing associations to access and use.
These tools can identify the most cost-effective retrofit solutions for housing stock, enabling RSLs to meet regulatory requirements (like EESSH2), reduce fuel poverty, and help deliver Scotland’s ambitious target to be net zero by 2045. They are already in use in local authorities and housing associations the length and breadth of Scotland.
Shelley McCann, strategic planning and sustainability officer at Perth & Kinross Council, shares her enthusiasm for Home Analytics and PEAT and how they are helping the local authority deliver net zero targets: “Perth & Kinross Council value working with Energy Saving Trust to drive forward Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and energy planning. We very much appreciate the level of support we have received to date which has made a significant contribution to shaping and developing our approach to energy planning and been key to our progress with LHEES.
“We will continue to embed the evidence, analytics and thinking into our upcoming planned work with Arup and SSEN, bringing together Home Analytics and PEAT scenario modelling as a key area for focus for planning and delivery across LHEES/LAEP. This will deliver synergies for our estate decarbonisation planning and development of a pipeline of projects for investment.
“We value the relationship we have built and look forward to continuing to work together.”
David Campbell, information manager with Home Energy Scotland, highlights the collaborative approach available to local authorities and housing associations: “As well as high quality, flexible tools that provide exactly what RSLs in Scotland need to deliver on their statutory requirements energy efficiency, we also provide training and ongoing support to local authority and housing association staff.
“And we incorporate and embed relevant feedback from service users so that what we provide responds and develops in line with our users’ needs. We want to ensure as many RSLs as possible in Scotland benefit from this essential, free service and I urge housing, planning or sustainability staff to get in touch to find out more about how they can benefit from our support.”
For further details visit Free RSL retrofit information, analysis and support - Energy Saving Trust or email to discuss your needs.