Scottish house prices up by 1.6%
The average price of a property in Scotland increased by 1.6% in 12 months to reach £150,825 in April 2019.

Comparing with the previous month, the latest statistics from the UK House Price Index (HPI) show that house prices in Scotland rose by 0.7%.
The UK average house price was £228,903, which was an increase of 1.4% on April in the previous year and an increase of 0.7% on the previous month.
The volume of residential sales in Scotland in February 2019 was 5,387 – an increase of 1.9% on the original provisional estimate for February 2018. This compares with increase of 1.7% in England and 1.4% in Wales and a decrease of 6.0% in Northern Ireland (Quarter 1 – 2019).
Registers of Scotland accountable officer, Janet Egdell, said: “Average prices in Scotland continued their upward trend in April, having increased each month since April 2016, when compared with the same month of the previous year. A long-term view of the Scottish property market can also be found in our recently published Property Market Report.”
Average price increases were recorded in the majority (24) of local authorities, when comparing prices with the previous year. The biggest price increases were in Stirling and North Ayrshire where average prices increased by 8.4% to £191,654 and 7.7% to £107,008 respectively.
The largest decreases were recorded in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire, where average prices fell by 6.2% to £150,173 and 5.6% to £178,580 respectively. Local authority estimates are based on a three month moving average to reduce volatility.