Scottish Housing Regulator launches new website
The Scottish Housing Regulator launched its new website yesterday following a beta testing phase.

During this period, the Regulator gathered feedback from a wide range of stakeholders through an online survey and face to face sessions which was used to enhance the finished site.
Iain Muirhead, the Regulator’s director of digital and business support, said: “We’re excited to launch our new website. We’ve designed the new site to be accessible, easier to use across different types of devices, and simple to navigate.
“We’d like to thank all of the tenants, landlords and others who gave their feedback. We’ve used your feedback to enhance the site and make it even simpler to use.
“We know that our website is the main way people find out about our work. So, we want to keep making it better. We will continue to work to enhance our website beyond launch to make the information we publish easier to find and use for tenants, landlords and all of our stakeholders.”
The Regulator’s new site is available at