Scottish Housing Regulator publishes summary of work plans for 2021/22

Michael Cameron
The year ahead will see the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) support the national COVID-19 response alongside carrying out a programme of planned regulatory activities.
Publishing a summary of its work plans for 2021/22, the Regulator said it will continue to work with the Scottish Government and contribute to the Social Housing Resilience Group. It will monitor and report on the impact of COVID-19 on social landlords, identify emerging risks and issues and provide guidance.
Following temporary changes to its Regulatory Framework in 2020, SHR will revert to normal regulatory return timescales during 2021/22.
Its planned regulatory work will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness, rent affordability, and tenant and resident safety, along with RSLs’ financial health and good governance. Its engagement with RSLs and local authorities will reflect the outcome of its annual risk assessment.
It will publish national reports on the financial health of RSLs and landlord performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
The Regulator will also continue to work with its National Panel of Tenants and Service Users, tenant representatives and tenant advisors to help it understand tenants’ and service users’ priorities.
Michael Cameron, chief executive, said: “We will continue to remain agile and responsive to developments in relation to COVID-19 and the easing of restrictions. We will continue to keep a focus on monitoring and reporting on the impact of the pandemic on social landlords services over the year ahead.
“We look forward to continuing to work with tenants and service users, social landlords and all of our stakeholders as we all continue to work to tackle the challenges ahead.”