Scottish minister celebrates Hillcrest’s commitment to young person’s guarantee

Lesley Don, Hillcrest director of corporate services; Angela Linton, Hillcrest chief executive; Jamie Hepburn MSP; Amber Winton, Hillcrest customer service modern apprentice and Neave Doig, Hillcrest learning and development modern apprentice
Minister for higher education, further education, youth employment and training, Jamie Hepburn MSP, was in Dundee yesterday to meet a group of young people who Hillcrest has committed to support and develop the careers of.
As a leading organisation in Dundee, Hillcrest has committed to the Young Person’s Guarantee and pledged to invest in a skilled workforce through preparing young people for the world of work and creating opportunities for those who face the most significant barriers.
Meeting with Mr Hepburn was a group of young people who work in a number of areas including IT, finance, maintenance, human resources and administration.
Amber Winton, Hillcrest’s customer service modern apprentice said “It has been great working with other young people to pull today’s event together and hearing their experience of working with Hillcrest.
“Since I joined Hillcrest, I have learned so much and gained a massive amount of experience that will support me in my career. There are so many opportunities to get involved with the business and we have a Young People’s Voice group that allows us to work with senior staff, shaping new initiatives to support others, contributing to the way Hillcrest works with young people and raising our profile across the organisation.”
Visiting Hillcrest’s Dundee headquarters, Mr Hepburn had the opportunity to hear from the young people about their journey so far and learn more about the future plans to develop the Young Person’s Guarantee. Mr Hepburn commented: “It has been hugely encouraging to hear how the young people at Hillcrest are being given immense support in their roles.
“I would like to thank Hillcrest for signing up to the Young Person’s Guarantee – and in turn, showcasing the vital role that 16-24-year-olds can play in our economic recovery.
“I have no doubt that the young people at Hillcrest are on the pathway to an incredible career.”
Lesley Don, Hillcrest director of corporate services, added: “Young people are the future of businesses like ours and we need to do as much as we can to create an inclusive workplace that promotes opportunities for them to explore and succeed on their chosen paths.
“Over the last year, we have successfully recruited 10 new apprentices across our business, 30 school students have had work experience placements and three career ready students completed a four-week internship. We have recruited a dedicated Apprenticeship Development Officer to ensure that we are delivering opportunities that meet the needs of young people and support them to be successful and experience positive outcomes.”
The Young Person’s Guarantee is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering. More than 500 Scottish employers have signed up to the Young Person’s Guarantee since it was launched.