Regulator’s second National Panel report explores people’s experiences of homelessness services

A new report from the Scottish Housing Regulator has provided an insight into people’s experiences of using homelessness services.
The research investigates what makes the biggest positive difference for people’s experiences. The common themes are suitable and safe accommodation, access to dedicated staff and support, and minimising the number of moves.
The research also explores the biggest challenges for people using homelessness services. These include the length of wait for settled accommodation, financial difficulties, equality and fair treatment and safety and condition of temporary accommodation.
Assistant director of regulation, Kathleen McInulty, said: “We’ll continue to keep a strong focus on outcomes for people who are homeless as councils implement their Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans. This report illustrates the varied and sometimes complex experiences and needs of people who have used homelessness services in Scotland recently and highlights the importance of accessing a settled home quickly.”
Engage Scotland, which manages the Panel for the Regulator, interviewed around seventy people across eight local authority areas for the research.
This report is the second of four themed reports from the National Panel. The first looked at tenant participation and digital access. The Regulator will publish further reports in August which will investigate rent affordability and Gypsy/Traveller sites.
The Panel has around 425 members. It is open to anyone who is a social housing tenant or uses social landlords’ services. Membership is diverse and includes people from urban and rural areas, across age bands, local authority and RSL tenants.
Anyone interested in joining the Panel should contact Engage Scotland on 0800 433 7212 or