Second report shows year-on-year ESG progress for Home in Scotland

Home in Scotland has this week published its second Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report.
The report outlines how housing associations and other registered social landlords are progressing year-on-year across key parts of their business.
Social housing providers must answer, in detail, 46 questions relating to how they support the environment, their customers and their workforce.
Within the report are numerous examples of Home Group’s progress over the year, including building 476 new affordable homes, engaging with over 1,000 customers to get their views on a range of issues, and receiving £500,000 from the Scottish Government’s Social Housing Net Zero Heat fund for our retrofit work in Dundee.
The report is delivered in line with the Sustainability Standard for Social Housing, and sees the housing association meet the highest standard for reporting in the sector alongside over 100 other housing associations from across the UK.
Bryony Willett, director of Home in Scotland, said: “The ESG report is a great way for us to show how we care for our customers, colleagues and environment, as well as how we are progressing in key areas year on year.
“This year’s report does indeed show the progress we are making, and there are some fantastic examples in it to highlight how we support our customers and colleagues, as well the measures we have, and are putting in place to protect our environment.
“However, we know there is still a lot more we need to do in all of these areas, and that is our focus going forward.”