Serco evictions may begin today
Positive Action in Housing (PAIH) has said that Serco may carry out lock change evictions today.

The organisation said that it is dismayed that Serco is going ahead and evicting vulnerable people from the only homes they have while they attempt to regularise their asylum cases with the Home Office.
The organisation also said that it is also disappointed that the Court of Session has still not provided clarity on this matter of lock change evictions by announcing its decision over the Ali Vs Serco Appeal.
In a statement, PAIH said: “We know from 18 years of experience of dealing with asylum claims about the Home Office delays and incompetence, this routinely involves falling in and out of destitution multiple times, and trying to gather evidence from abroad.
“These are not failed asylum seekers. Those who know how to navigate legal paperwork have done so and gone onto get section 4 support or secure their paperwork. Those who are left are the ones we are concerned about.
“Our destitution caseworkers are on standby to assist anyone who faces eviction. We are working with Shelter Scotland, Law Centres and Glasgow Lawyers to appeal the evictions. We understand that there are a number of appeals in to stop the evictions over the next couple of weeks. Our caseworkers will assist people with shelter in the homes of volunteers, we are currently sheltering 60 families or individuals with volunteers on any given night. We are also providing crisis grants, proactive casework and access to housing and asylum lawyers.”
The organisation has urged anyone in this position to see a housing and asylum lawyer immediately, and contact the PAIH office on 0141 353 2220 for an emergency appointment for assistance in preventing destitution or finding shelter in Glasgow, the outskirts or Edinburgh.
For men who are being left destitute, the organisation recommends that they go to the British Red Cross or Glasgow Night Shelter who can then assess them and refer to us for community hosting, or go to the Glasgow City Mission.
PIAH said: “We can usually place women very quickly in a matter of days. For men it can be more difficult. For couples, more challenging but we can manage to place people for a few weeks or months. Its not ideal but that’s the reality.”