SFHA calls for more Scottish Government support in wake of Brexit report
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has responded to a new report commissioned by the Scottish Government which claims that the “UK’s exit from the EU is highly likely to negatively impact the most vulnerable people” by calling on the government to put measures in place to support tenants across Scotland.

The SFHA is asking the Scottish Government to provide funding for partnerships between housing associations and support organisations to ensure wrap-around advice and support – such as financial inclusion and welfare rights services – for tenants, especially those on the lowest incomes and those with care and support needs.
Sally Thomas, SFHA chief executive, said: “The findings in this report are extremely concerning. Housing associations and co-operatives’ tenants are already often on lower incomes, and the report has found that they could face further hardship, such as rising energy and food prices, as a result of Brexit.
“For this reason, we are asking the Scottish Government to deliver measures that will protect the poorest and most vulnerable people.
“Many support agencies do not have a presence across the whole of Scotland, including rural and remote areas, but housing associations do, and this is why they are well placed to work with other organisations to ensure tenants can access the advice they need. However, in order to do this, it is vital that the Scottish Government makes funding available.
“SFHA and our members will work with the Scottish Government to ensure those who require support after Brexit can access it.”