SFHA launches ‘bold’ new organisational strategy

SFHA launches 'bold' new organisational strategy

The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) launched its new organisational strategy ‘One Voice: Bringing Scotland’s Housing Associations Together’ during its Annual Conference in Glasgow this week.

The launch follows significant work alongside members, stakeholders, and partners to develop a renewed focus and direction while maintaining a professional, knowledgeable approach.

As SFHA, and many members, move into their fiftieth year, the strategy will guide how SFHA creates a broader, deeper, and more inclusive relationship with members, leading innovative services and pushing for the change that’s needed to support our social homes.

To meet that challenge, it sets out four strategic themes:

  • Campaigning for change
  • Leading innovation
  • Vital and resilient
  • Representing everyone

It outlines that social housing must be a top political priority and sets out a campaigning approach that will be bold, clear and challenging – which has never been more needed.

On leading innovation, it sets out that SFHA will continue to bring members together to meet the challenges that housing associations face, working with pace to anticipate change and model the right solutions.

Crucially, work will also focus on representing the diversity of SFHA members, aiming to support staff at all levels - as well as bring the sector together with one voice, wherever possible, to demonstrate how affordable rented housing can help Scotland flourish.

The full strategy can be viewed here.

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