SFHA launches new Energy Forum in partnership with Changeworks and Warmworks

The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has launched a new Energy Forum in partnership with Changeworks and Warmworks.
The forum, on 19 August, will allow staff with an interest in energy-related issues to keep up to date with the latest developments, share best practice, and discuss challenges.
As part of the first session, there will be an update on recent policy developments, and both Changeworks and Warmworks will also attend the session to outline the support available to SFHA members as part of the new partnership.
The aim is for the new forum to be shaped by members, so the first session will also provide an opportunity to discuss ideas for future topics and presentations. Alternatively, if you already have a suggestion for the forum, please contact SFHA Policy and Research Lead Cassandra Dove (cdove@sfha.co.uk) with any proposed topics.
The forum is taking place on Thursday 19 August from 10:00–12:00.