SFHA takes steps to work with government on shared understanding of rent affordability
A new Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) paper has set out the processes, considerations and questions faced by housing associations in relation to rents, both generally and in the context of the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Following a number of discussions in recent months on rents and affordability in the RSL sector, SFHA has shared a comprehensive paper with the Scottish Government and Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).
It sets out the processes, considerations and questions faced by housing associations in relation to rents, both generally and in the context of the ongoing coronavirus crisis. It is intended to inform and influence the ongoing dialogue on rent and affordability between SFHA, Scottish Government and SHR.
In light of the ongoing pandemic, associations find themselves and their tenants in a different financial position from what would otherwise have been expected. As a result, many associations have reduced planned increases – or even frozen rents – for the new financial year.
SFHA hopes to work with government after the election towards a shared understanding of housing association income and rent setting.
SFHA would like to thank members for their input. A copy of the document that was sent to government can be found here.