Share wants to know how Young Housing Professionals would tackle sector challenges!

Share wants to know how Young Housing Professionals would tackle sector challenges!

The social housing sector is facing several complex challenges as it looks forward, including but not limited to climate change, economic uncertainty, succession planning, recruitment challenges, cutbacks in other services, and several housing emergencies declared around the country.

Tackling these and sustaining our sector is a big challenge that requires big ideas. That is why Share are keen to bring together its Young Housing Professionals (YHP) to get their input on this at the next network meeting.

Taking place on 6th June, the network’s third meeting will be kindly hosted by Elderpark Housing Association at their offices, with the ability to join remotely for those who cannot travel to Glasgow.

Our discussions will be led by Nicola Dillion, Investors in Young People specialist, and will look at how the sector challenges impact our young workforce and the innovative ways that we can tackle them.

Julie-Ann Cloherty, learning and development officer at Share and YHP lead, said: “It will be great to have a mix of young housing professionals round the table, taking a deep dive into some of the biggest challenges our sector faces, and hopefully coming up with some creative insights and innovative solutions that we can all take back to our workplaces, and do our bit to sustain the sector for future generations, with the help of the future generation of leaders.”

In-person spaces are limited, so to avoid disappointment click HERE to secure your place. The Young Housing Professionals Network is open to anyone who has joined the sector in the last ten years and is FREE to all.

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