Shelter Scotland welcomes Scottish Government Human Rights Bill consultation

Housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has welcomed the launch of a Scottish Government consultation on proposals for the Human Rights Bill.
The Scottish Government says it intends to provide a clear and robust legal framework for human rights in Scotland, and specifically in relation to ‘the right to adequate housing’.
Director of Shelter Scotland, Alison Watson, said: “Shelter Scotland is pleased to see this long-awaited consultation on the Human Rights Bill. The incorporation of the human right to adequate housing into Scots law is crucial to help ensure everyone has a safe, secure and affordable home.
“This framework bill gives the opportunity to not just improve and clarify people’s housing rights, but to embed a human rights-based approach in Scotland. The bill has the potential to embed human rights budgeting to ensure political commitments and targets have the right resources behind them, make it easier for rights holders to access justice if their rights are breached, and build in accountability of duty bearers, local and national government.
“We now need to grasp the opportunity of the bill and translate it into real change on the ground to ensure people have a safe, secure, affordable home.
“Scotland is in a housing emergency, and there are too many people without a suitable home. The First Minister and his government must recognise this, put words into action and commit to delivering more social housing. The 9,130 children in Scotland without somewhere to call home don’t deserve to wait a second longer.”
The Human Rights Bill consultation will run for 16 weeks and close on 5 October 2023.