Shettleston Housing Association welcomes seven new committee members
Seven new committee members have been elected at a well-attended AGM held by Shettleston Housing Association (SHA).
Chairperson Gillian Johnstone delivered a report on a successful year’s work before handing over to CEO Tony Teasdale, attending his first AGM since joining the Association last October. Tony gave a presentation on the recently completed management restructure at SHA and also the Association’s plans for the year ahead.
For the first time since 2015 there were more nominations for places on committee than there were vacancies, meaning an election was required. The AGM approved the election of seven new members, who join the eight sitting members to give a full complement of 15.
The election was the culmination of a process started back in March that aimed to encourage more tenants to consider getting involved in the Association’s management committee. Publicity in the March newsletter was followed up by personal contact with people who expressed an interest. Then, over the spring and summer, a series of ‘Try before you Buy’ taster sessions gave people a flavour of what was involved.
Happily, more than half of those attending were convinced that committee membership was for them. Further training for all new members is taking place during October.
At the first formal management committee meeting following the AGM, Gillian Johnston was re-elected as chair of the Association, Lesley Scoffield was elected vice chair and John Morrison as secretary.