Shortlist announced for Scotland Housing Awards 2024

The remarkable teams and dedicated professionals who have continued to demonstrate a real commitment to the housing sector throughout 2024 are set to be recognised at the annual Scotland Housing Awards.
Created by CIH Scotland, the event is an opportunity for the sector to come together to acknowledge the creativity, passion and innovation of individuals, organisations and projects that have helped tenants, customers, and communities to live well and thrive.
The shortlisted nominees are as follows:
Excellence in customer service
- My Voice programme, Wheatley Group
- Community Clear Ups, Prospect Community Housing
- Support in a Crisis - The Cost of Living, West of Scotland Housing Association in partnership with Willowacre Trust
- Choices: Kingdom’s Participatory Budget, Kingdom Group
- Connecting Housing and Tenants (CHAT) Annual Visit, East Ayrshire Council
- Customer Service Excellence Accreditation / Satisfaction Survey, Parkhead Housing Association
- Targeted Tenant Support Projects, Orkney Housing Association Limited
Excellence in housing innovation
- Foundation approach, Wheatley Foundation
- Bridgehousehill, Shortlees, Kilmarnock, Connect Modular in partnership with Cunninghame Housing Association
- Engagement not Enforcement, North Lanarkshire Council
- Rent Ready - Bringing Empty Homes back to life through innovative service design, Homes for Good in partnership with Shelter Scotland
- Making Memories, Waverley Housing
Working in partnership
- Eton Avenue Project, Argyll Community Housing Association
- Sheltered Housing Tenants’ Forum and Aberdeenshire Council - Working in Partnership to Review Services, Aberdeenshire Council in partnership with Sheltered Housing Tenants Forum
- Housing Options Training Toolkit, Scotland’s Housing Network
- North Lanarkshire’s Housing Domestic Abuse Task Force, North Lanarkshire Council in partnership with Registered Social Landlords in North Lanarkshire
- Cycling North: A pathway to Active Travel., North Glasgow Housing Association (ng homes) in partnership with Cycling Scotland, Grease Monkey UK, St Paul’s Youth Forum (SPYF), On Bikes - Active Travel programme of SPYF, HMP Barlinnie (Barlinnie Bike Works), Cycling UK, Scottish Cycling, The Loading Bay
- Youth Housing Champions, North Lanarkshire Council in partnership with NLC Social Work, Bernardos, DWP, NLC Rev&Ben
- Working in Partnership to Include Service User Feedback - Wallace Court, East Ayrshire Council
- Transforming Govan - A Housing Market Analysis, Elderpark Housing in partnership with Glasgow City Council, Govan Housing Association, Linthouse Housing Association and the University of Glasgow
- Rising Community Voices, Fife Housing Group in partnership with Lumphinnans Primary School, Kingdom Housing, Ore Valley, Glen Housing and Fife Council
- Fife Council Short-term Let Licensing – A Partnership Approach, Fife Council
- Link 2 Exercise, Link Housing Association in partnership with Pure Gym Paisley
- Prevention and solutions approach, Wheatley Group
- Castlemilk Housing and Human Rights Lived Experience Group, Ardenglen Housing Association in partnership with Craigdale Housing Association, Cassiltoun Housing Association and North View Housing Association
- Equality in Education, Fyne Homes Ltd in partnership with Rothesay Joint Campus, Campbeltown Grammar School, Dunoon Grammar School, Lochgilphead High School and Tarbert Academy
- Find My Home, Maryhill Housing in partnership with Queens Cross Housing Association
- Barrack Street - Ukrainian Support, South Lanarkshire Council
- South Lanarkshire Council - Youth Initiative, South Lanarkshire Council
- Homes for Ukrainian Guests, Housing Services - Stirling Council in partnership with Stirling Council’s Asylum and Resettlement Team, Forth Housing Association, Ochil View Housing Association, Paragon Housing Association, Rural Stirling Housing Association
- Connected Response Heat Sage smart heating controls for storage heating, West Dunbartonshire Council
- Improving Outcomes for Homeless Households in Inverclyde, River Clyde Homes in partnership with Inverclyde Council Health and Social Care Partnership Homeless Team
- Mens’ Den (Arden), Glen Oaks Housing Association in partnership with South Mental Health & Suicide Prevention, goConnect Partnership Forum, Greater Pollok Services, Sports Forever Foundation
- Bluevale Glasgow community centre, Places for People and Bluevale
- NETRALT and NTP Working in Partnership, North East Tenants, Residents and Landlords Together (NETRALT) in partnership with Northern Tenants Partnership (NTP)
Excellence in development for affordable housing
- Langlands Road, Glasgow, Trust Housing Association in partnership with CCG (Scotland) Limited
- Bridgehousehill, Shortlees, Kilmarnock, Connect Modular in partnership with Cunninghame Housing Association
- Horsemarket, (ex-High School) Earlston, Eildon Housing Association in partnership with Scottish Government More Homes Division
- Balgove Road, Gauldry, Kingdom Housing Association in partnership with Campion Homes
- Phase 1 - Castlehill Road, Gowkthrapple, Phase 1 - Castlehill Road, Gowkthrapple in partnership with Scottish Government (More Homes division), CCG Scotland, Coltart Earley Architecture, Hub South West
- Dundashill, Glasgow, West of Scotland Housing Association in partnership with Glasgow City Council, Scottish Canals, Igloo Regeneration
- Dunbeg Phase, Link Group in partnership with Curb Property Development
- Riverside Dalmarnock Phase 3, Link Group in partnership with McTaggart Construction
Excellence in tenant scrutiny
- Group Scrutiny Panel, Wheatley Housing Group
- Estate Management Inquiry, Kingdom Group
- Bield Compliment and Complaint Collective, Bield Housing & Care
- Tenant Focused Repairs, Link Tenant Scrutiny Panel in partnership with Link Housing Association
Excellence in the private rented sector
- Social purpose, Lowther
- Your Choice Lettings and Property Management, Housing Policy and Strategy, South Ayrshire Council
Excellence in regeneration and sustainability
- Rowanbank Gardens, Wheatley Homes East
- Langlands Road, Glasgow, Trust Housing Association in partnership with CCG (Scotland) Limited
- Dykehead Road, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire Council
- Dundashill Glasgow, West of Scotland Housing Association
- Area Based Regeneration – Mixed Tenure Improvement Service Pilot Scheme, City of Edinburgh Council
- Eton Avenue Development, Argyll Community Housing Association in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council Housing Service / Health and Social Care Partnership - Housing Occupational Therapist / Scottish Government
Housing organisation of the year
- Delivering The Grampian Deal, Grampian Housing Association
- Eildon at 50, delivering for customers now and into the future, Eildon Housing Association
- Elderpark Housing, Elderpark
Excellence in learning and development
- Lead On, East Ayrshire Council
- Learning Together: Hanover’s Journey of Empowerment and Progress, Hanover Scotland
- Link’s Leadership Development Program, Link Group in partnership with Link Housing
- GOALS, centre for excellence in learning and development, Grampian Housing Association
Excellence in health and wellbeing
- Tenants Wellbeing Services, Link Housing Association Ltd in partnership with LinkLiving
- Assistance with Utilities, East Ayrshire Council
- Trust offer In-House Benefits Advice, Trust Housing Association
- Environmental Sensors, West Dunbartonshire Council
Housing-led approaches to ending homelessness
- C~urb Private Sector Leasing, C~urb PSL in partnership with The City of Edinburgh Council
- Innovative Homelessness Prevention Services, City of Edinburgh Council
- Rapid rehousing approach to ending homelessness, Wheatley Group in partnership with Glasgow City Council, City of Edinburgh Council, HSCP, Rock Trust
- Homes for Good - Creating Homes for People who need them., Homes for Good
Excellence in communications
- My Bield Launch, Bield Housing & Care
- Fife Council Short-term Let Licensing - A Partnership Approach, Fife Council
Net zero in housing
- Dykehead Road, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire Council
- Net Zero Catalyst, Wheatley Group
- Dundashill, West of Scotland Housing Association
- The EnerPHit Standard Project, Cairn Housing Group in partnership with Changeworks, John Gilbert Architects, GMR Henderson
- The Prospecthill Court Retrofit Project, River Clyde Homes
Marion Gibbs award for equality in housing
- Bield Equality Network, Bield Housing & Care
- Young persons project, Wheatley Homes South in partnership with Wheatley Care
- Supporting Care Experienced Young People, South Lanarkshire Council
Apprentice of the year
- Liam Woods, Kingdom Group
- Cerys Cameron, Ruchazie HA
- Steven Ford, Falkirk Council
- Tomas Potter, City of Edinburgh Council
- Conall Smith, North Lanarkshire Council
- Lara Turner, C~urb (subsidiary of Link Group)
Excellence in leadership
- Andrew Mackie, Aberdeenshire Council
- Lorna Dunsmore, C~urb (subsidiary of Link Group)
- Jovana (Joey) Lawrie, Homes for Good
Housing team of the year
- Susan Pirie, Castlehill Housing Association
- Stephen Llewellyn, North Lanarkshire Council
- Cairn Housing Group, Cairn Housing Group
- The Project Housing Team - Led by Gillian McCusker, Trust Housing Association
- Financial Wellbeing Team, River Clyde Homes
- Brenda, Erin, Audrey, Laura M & Laura S. (goConnect Project), Glen Oaks Housing Association
Young achiever in housing
- Rhys Atkinson, Tollcross Housing Association
- Lauren Herd, Elderpark Housing
- Christie Mulvaney, Link Housing Association
- Jamie Morrow, South Lanarkshire Council
- Natalie Riding, Homes for Good
Lifetime achievement
- Will be announced on the night