Regulator highlights importance of planning and good governance

Helen Shaw
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has highlighted a number of unprecedented challenges being faced by registered social landlords as they start to emerge from the pandemic.
Delivering a message at SHARE’s Annual Conference on Friday, the Regulator said it is vital that they are planning now how to deal with these.
Helen Shaw, director of regulation, said: “RSLs have shown remarkable resilience during the Pandemic but it will be really important that each landlord is looking closely at its business to ensure that it is preparing for the future. In particular, RSLs need to consider what the decarbonisation agenda means for their housing stock and their business plans.”
Ms Shaw’s speech also covered the importance of ensuring that rents are affordable and tenant and resident safety and discussed services for homeless people, cyber security and the regulator’s annual risk assessment, the outcomes from which will be published at the end of March.
The full speech can be found here.