SHR publishes information about its statutory intervention powers

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published more information about how it uses its statutory intervention powers if it needs to take action to safeguard the interests of tenants and service users.
The Regulator’s information note is part of its “how we work” series, which aims to provide more information about how it regulates.
It explains what it will do and what a social landlord and others can expect if it needs to use its statutory intervention powers such as appointing a manager, appointing governing body members and directing a transfer.
The information note explains how the Regulator expects to use these powers, based on its experience of applying the powers.
Margaret Sharkey, assistant director of regulation, said: “We want to be as open as possible about how we regulate so that tenants and service users, landlords and others with an interest in our work have a clear understanding of what we do, how we do it and why we do it.
“We only use our statutory intervention powers if there is a risk to the interests of tenants and service users.
“This information note helps explain for landlords, tenants and service users, and others who are interested in our work how we use these powers if we need to.”
The Regulator’s information note on how it uses its statutory powers is available on its website.