SHR publishes lessons learned on effective recording of decisions and discussions by RSL governing bodies

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has today published a report on Lessons Learned on the effective recording of decisions and discussions by governing bodies of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).
The Lessons Learned is part of the Regulator’s suite of advisory guidance. The Regulator commissioned this report to help RSLs following the outcomes of its annual risk assessment and its engagement with a small number of RSLs about how decisions and discussions were being recorded.
As with all advisory guidance RSLs may decide to adopt the advice set out in full, in part or not at all. It is intended to complement the advice produced by other regulators about effective recording of decisions and discussions by governing bodies and provide sector specific advice.
The Regulator commissioned Paul Rydquist, an experienced Statutory Manager and governance expert, to produce the lessons learned. The advice is based on a minute taking protocol developed by the author which has been adopted by many of the RSLs he has worked with.
Helen Shaw, director of regulation, said: “It is for each RSL to decide how it will approach recording decisions and discussions of governing body meetings. We’ve published this Lessons Learned report to help support RSLs to continue to maintain the good standards of governance which we see across the sector and we hope RSLs find the advice and suggestions helpful.”