SHR publishes outcome of its annual risk assessment

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published the outcome of its annual risk assessment of social landlords.
This includes updated engagement plans for registered social landlords (RSLs) and local authorities and an update to the regulatory status for RSLs. The status describes whether a landlord complies with Regulatory Standards.
This year, 136 RSLs are compliant (with four under review), six do not meet Regulatory Standards and are working towards compliance.
In its report, the Regulator sets out the main areas it focussed on in its comprehensive risk assessment this year. It will continue to have a particular focus on governance, financial management, homelessness, and tenant safety.
It also highlights some of the risks and challenges facing social landlords including the climate crisis and the decarbonisation of heat in homes as well as the unfolding events in Ukraine and the economic/humanitarian consequences of this.
Helen Shaw, director of regulation, said: “This year’s risk assessment has again taken place at a time when landlords are continuing to deal with the impact of the pandemic and the wider economic volatility and uncertainty Many tenants and their families are facing real financial hardship. We know that landlords will have some difficult choices to make in response to all of these challenges but at the heart of this will be a need to ensure that rents continue to be affordable for tenants.
“We have also looked at tenant and resident safety and the importance of asset management. Landlords need to have a good information on the quality of their homes so that they are able to prepare and plan how best to manage all of the challenges they face.”
The summary of the outcome of the annual risk assessment and updated engagement plans are available on the Regulator’s website.