SHR updates statistical Charter information

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published updated statistical information on the Scottish Social Housing Charter to reflect a change in guidance from the Scottish Government.
The government updated its guidance on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (the Standard) in January 2021 replacing element 35 of the Standard with EESSH energy efficiency requirements.
A statement on the SHR website reads: “As part of our work on the annual risk assessment we saw that many landlords had continued to report on the pre January 2021 version of element 35.
“We wrote to landlords and the majority have now provided corrections. This has resulted in a 4.2% reduction in SHQS compliance from our published figures in August 2021 and we have therefore published revised data tables and updated the National Report to reflect this change.”
The updated data tables and the National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter are available on the SHR website.