Simon Community Scotland launches urgent Christmas appeal
Homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland has launched an urgent appeal for financial donations to give hope, safety and comfort to the nation’s most vulnerable people this winter.

Image: Iain McLean
A similar appeal last year saw large donations of clothing, toiletries and snacks, as well as cash.
Lorraine McGrath, CEO of Simon Community Scotland, said: “Christmas will be different for all of us this year, but the additional health risks of the pandemic and the lockdown restrictions on many services will make it tougher than ever for those facing life on the streets.
“Every pound we raise will be spent locally to help people in need Stay Warm, Stay Safe, and most importantly to Give Hope for a brighter future.”
She added: “We are very thankful for every donation and all the public support we receive.
“However, as times have changed, so have the needs of our service users. We are asking for money this year because it enables us to quickly source and deliver essential items exactly where and when they are needed.
“It also means we can combine every gift we make on donors’ behalf with support and care tailored to individual circumstances.
“With public support we can do even more to Give Hope and help people recover from homelessness permanently. That’s something for us all to look forward to.”