Social housing digital champions sought by SCVO
People living in social housing are 20% less likely to have the digital skills they need than people who rent privately.
SCVO is kicking off a new project, with opportunities for housing organisations across Scotland to help change this statistic by becoming part of a social housing digital champion network.

One of the most effective ways of helping people to improve their digital skills is through regular support from someone trusted – a digital champion.
The project will offer comprehensive training and support, fully funded for up to 30 housing organisations.
This will include
- work to identify a digital motivator with the organisation,
- a two day residential bootcamp to inspire and support the motivator
- short and informal surgeries with digital champions from across the staff team
- support to record and monitor digital inclusion activity
- access to credit rated qualifications for involved staff to aid career progress
If you are interested in finding out more and registering an interest please get in touch with @digiscot, email, or give Beth a ring on 07581 623 028.